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Mouse pointer in a sentence

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Sentence count:37+1Posted:2020-06-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pointerintersection pointcounterpointhouse painterto the pointoff the pointblue pointchokepoint
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(31) For example, if mouseX is -46 and mouseY is 78, the mouse pointer is 46 pixels left of and 78 pixels down in the component's coordinate system.
(32) The message contains the screen location of the mouse pointer, or sprite.
(33) Use the mouse pointer (or press the backspace key on your keyboard) to fire up the engine.
(34) Note that the mouse pointer moves only when you move your mouse across a flat surface.
(35) X 11 alone doesn't toa generic way to determine the shape of the current mouse pointer.
(36) You can't just hold the mouse pointer in the bottom-left of the screen, say, because a ball could zoom down there at any moment.
(37) The cursor changes to a hand pointer cursor, and the item text changes color as the user moves the mouse pointer over the item.
More similar words: pointerintersection pointcounterpointhouse painterto the pointoff the pointblue pointchokepointcurie pointgrade pointat the point ofneedlepointto the point ofon the point ofvantage pointbalance pointextreme pointcome to the pointkeep to the pointpressure pointbeside the pointpointedpoint-to-pointreference pointpercentage pointpointedlyappointeeappointedequivalence pointgrade point average
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